Now is the time to cut your debt

You may owe $20,000 to a creditor, but with the right negotiator on your side, they may accept much less than that. Through smart negotiations I’ve been successful reaching settlements that are on average 40% of the amount owed and in some cases even less than that. Here are some examples:

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Now is the time to settle your debts. Use your stimulus check to hire a lawyer who can protect your rights and settle your debt for significantly less than what you owe. Roderick H. Martin Law has handled thousands of cases like yours resulting in settlement amounts much less than what was owed.

Beware of online bad actors including debt consolidation companies who claim they can erase your debts. They cannot represent you in court or give you legal advice. In the event that you are sued, such a debt settlement company would be forced to abandon your case since that are not qualified to represent you.

Contact us today for a free consultation.

Every case is different of course and we cannot guarantee results, but we have three decades of experience in negotiating favorable outcomes for our clients and an exemplary reputation in debt settlement cases.


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